Find your teaching situation below to determine which components of the Friendly Chemistry curriculum are needed for your family or teaching setting.
"We are a family with ONE child taking the course."
You will need:
Teacher's Editons (ONE STUDENT) Vols 1 and 2
1 Student Textbook
1 Manipulative Booklet
1 Annotated Solutions Manual (optional)
Test Bank pdf (optional)
"We are a family with more than one child taking the course."
You will need:
Teacher's Editons 1 and 2
1 Student Textbook for each child OR 1 Textbook for the first child and then one Student WORKbook each for the remaining children.
1 Manipulative Booklet
1 Annotated Solutions Manual (optional)
Test Bank pdf (optional)
"We are a co-op with children from many families taking the course."
You will need:
Teacher's Editions 1 and 2
1 Student Textbook for each student (if more than one child within a family, the student workbooks may be an option for additional children within the family, but you should have at least one student textbook per family)
1 Manipulatve Booklet per family
1 Annotated Solutions Manual (highly recommended)
Test Bank pdf (highly recommended)
"I am a classroom teacher and am purchasing books for my students."
You will need:
Teacher's Editions 1 and 2
1 Student Textbook for each student. The textbook may or may not be considered a consumable item. If you plan to keep the text as non-consumable, purchase 1 textbook for each child and then 1 workbook for each child. Workbooks are considered consumable.
Choose these Teacher's Editions if you are teaching only one child.
Choose these Teacher's Editions if you are teaching multiple students.
NOTE: DVD's will be placed in a separate shopping cart when ordering and require separate payment. Shipment will be made in a separate box and may arrive at a different time than printed materials.