Lisa and Joey Hajda are the homeschooling parents of nine children (aged nine months to 18 years). They have been writing science curricula especially for homeschoolers since 1993. In the public schools, Joey has taught general science, life, earth, and physical sciences, biology, chemistry, physics, anatomy, and physiology. They have been teaching science courses to homeschoolers since 1996.

    Joey holds a masters degree in secondary and higher education and a doctorate in veterinary medicine. Lisa holds a bachelors degrees in animal and veterinary sciences, a masters degree in elementary education, and has completed coursework for her doctorate in secondary and higher education. Hideaway Ventures is their family-operated, home-based business.  For fun, their family strings group, Prairie Strings, entertains at local events.  They live in a new home they recently built themselves in the hills of central Nebraska.  If you'd like to see photos of the house building project, click here!