Friendly Chemistry Online
Course Registration
In order to be officially registered for your Friendly Chemistry Online course,
please provide the following information. All fields must be completed.
Last Name First name Middle Initial
Parents' Names (if applicable)
Mailing address
City State ZipCode Telephone Number
Email address to which we will send course information
Age Gender Male Female
Payment method: Personal Check Money Order Credit card via Paypal
Please note: Admission to Friendly Chemistry Online cannot be granted until payment is received in full. Payment by credit card via Paypal or by postal money order is the quickest way to gain admission. Payment by personal check may require a processing time of 1-2 weeks. To pay by credit card, click here to go to the Paypal website.
The last step of the registration process is to click the submit button. When you have completed all of the applicable boxes above, click the submit button below. You will immediately see a window asking you for a username and password. For registration purposes only, type in the word "registration" (do not use quotation marks) and the password of "12345" (again, use no quotation marks). You should then see a page which tells that you have successfully registered for the course.