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Lesson 1:  Introduction to Chemistry


 In your first lesson, you will become acquainted with the definition of chemistry as well as begin learning the names and symbols of the elements.


Read Chapters 1 and 2, pages 1-18.  

Find the card sets labeled "Element Flashcards."  Punch out these cards and order them by atomic number.  Use them to learn the name and symbol of these elements. Pay close attention to the spelling of the element names.


Print practice pages P-1-1, P-1-2 and P-1-3.  Complete the exercises on these practice pages and then check your answers by clicking the "check my answers" button.

Go to P-1-1                     Go to P-1-2               Go to P-1-3

 Check my Answers   

Lesson 1 Evaluation

After completing the three practice pages, go to Lesson 1 Evaluation.  You may find it easier to print your evaluation in order to take the test.  Once completed, transfer your answers to the online test page.  Submit your answers to your instructor by clicking the "Submit" button.  Your instructor will look at your answers, give you email feedback on your performance, allow you access to the solutions page and provide you with the number of questions you answered correctly.  If the number of questions you answered correctly was not satisfactory (at least 70% of the total number of questions), you will be instructed to re-take the test.


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